Sunday, July 31, 2011

Clearing The View - If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. ~ Milton Berle

Well, part of taking a look at my business is what I call "Clearing The View"  The old adage of you can't see the forest for the trees I believe applies in my case.

In looking at my current shop I found myself in way too many teams on Etsy; more than I ever could truly participate in and using BNR's and BNS's for weekly business.  Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer that Teams and BNR's have their place and purpose and value the relationships that I make because of them.  Wait for it....But, I personally (and that is what a blog is - simply my personal opinion)  don't think you can count on that as a total way to grow and maintain a true business.  The time necessary to keep up with all that comes with those things takes away from time needed to bring in sales from non-sellers and time to create and make product.  Let face it, Macy's doesn't hang out waiting for the heads of Belk, or Parisian, or any number of shops to come in and buy from them.  They advertise, promote, get their name out there and vie for business.  For me personally, that means more festivals and shows, getting my work in to brick and mortar shops, increasing my FB Fan base, advertising and yes ultimately adding back in a few teams and doing some BNRs.

I am currently planning on shows for Sept., Oct., and Nov and specials in my shop to go along with them.

And let the learning begin!!! Again...:) Double checking the SEO information - boy is there a ton to learn there!  Have improved my use of Twitter and Stumble Upon but still have a long way to go there....LOL Some things just come easier than others!

Stay tuned for my next blog post because I am going to be featuring some very special Etsy Shops and Shop Owners who have been very important to me in my Etsy Journey!

Thanks for Reading,




  1. I hear ya! Thanks for the honest post.

  2. Great post! I feel the SAME way! Cool to know I'm not alone! :) XOXOX --Kim

  3. Good luck with the shows - let us know what happens!

    Quite agree with what you're saying. Etsy is a massive marketplace but to be truly successful it needs to be worked alongside shows, etc in the real world. That's a step I've still got to make....

  4. Great post good luck with your shows! I wouldn't be able to do it without them, I have so much fun at them I hope you do too!


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