Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Promote Promote Promote

Ahhh, seems like such a small simple word - promote.  But what does that mean to someone like myself who is new to the world of on-line selling? 

When I listed my first Etsy item on April 23, 2011 I had no idea what I was in for.  Not a clue (even though I thought I was prepared).  Had the shop designed, plenty of items to list, then I started to read.... and read..... and read... :)  Everything I read said you must be patient that selling on line takes time and that you must get out and promote yourself.  Two things came to mind the first being "What? You mean people just won't see my stuff, love it, and purchase?" the second was "Get out where? I am on an online community, where am I supposed to go?".
I am still trying to figure the second one out. Here are the things I have done so far;

*Joined Teams - wish I was better at participating in these; guess that comes with time as well

*Circles - Adding people whom I really like their shops and the shops they suggest

*Facebook Fan Page - So glad I created this one because it is a great way for me to share with other shops and to see what is going on with them.  Though I am still fighting the battle of how to get more focused people to "like" my page.

*Twitter - Haven't been doing this one that long and the jury is still out with me as to whether or not it helps bring in business

*BNR/BNS - I have to admit that when I first starting doing these I thought they were a waste of what little money I had and would get me nowhere - I Was Wrong! The relationships you build will be worth their weight in gold.

*Blogging - Obviously it has taken me the longest to get to this one.  Oh, not that I didn't think I had a ton of things to say.....just not sure anyone would want to listen.  I guess it is a lot like journeling - you just write it anyway.

*Stumbleupon - very new to this one and still trying to figure it out.

*Pinterest - A great way to showcase items you love, including your Etsy friends and their items as well as your own.

*Google Adwords - I have to say, I did this one because I had some free advertising bucks from them. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it did considering I don't know if my ad was any good and I was constantly updating my keywords.  I think I may have a few more free bucks and if so would definately do it again.

*Various Advertising - I have also done some of this, Handmade Spark , CraftCult - Once again the jury is still out on the true value of these for me personally.  Maybe others have done much better.

*Featured in Someone's Blog - Huge Results on this one for me.  I have had a couple of features and could never express the gratitude! Hits definitely went up on those days.

So, I guess what I am trying to say is that I am still searching for the best way to Promote My Business.  I will continue forward with the things I am currently doing and while trying to be patient for my business to grow will also be on the search for the "perfect" way to promote my shop! :)

Thanks for giving this a read!


Stay True!


  1. I always assumed people would just find me as well - glad it's not just me!

  2. Very nicely done! Congrats from an fellow etsy artisan!

  3. This is a very great blog! Great advice and well written! I cant wait to read more!!! :-)

  4. I'm a seller AND a buyer :) I know my sales increased when I did all of the above mentioned things! I swear by it!

  5. Oh my! You've been busy. Just keep at it. I've got a long way to go to keep up.

  6. I am pretty much in the same boat right now girl. It's so hard to get my shop seen that I'm thinking of starting up a graphics shop for other Etsy sellers.

  7. Keep it up, your on the right track, I think were all in the same boat lol

  8. This is great! Love the whole simplistic appearance...and your advice is well take, I realized as well that just because you build, it doesn't mean that they will come. My next goal as well is to start blogging!

  9. Hi there, Miss Dotti!

    I recently saw your comment, and I went onto Etsy and saw that I had sent you a message a while ago, and never received a reply?!
    Anyways, great tips!

  10. Hi from Statteam! Nice blog post!

  11. Great advice Dotti! Thanks for sharing!


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