Saturday, July 16, 2011

Welcome To My New Blog

Well, finally decided it was time to face the music and start my blog.  I am hoping to  fill the space with information on my business and those of my artist friends and Etsy compatriots.  Who we all are, what we do, why we do it and what we face as we go along.  I expect a few faulters and a whole lot of laughs! :) 

I am still trying to feel my way around the business that is Internet Selling so please bear with me as I go along this journey.  As I learn I will share my ups and downs.  I have met so many helpful artists; willing to share their tips and tricks of the trade and give advice where needed and I would like to think that I have, and will continue to do, so for others.

Soon I would like to introduce you to a few of those wonderful people!!

This is just an introduction and as soon as I have something to post you will all be the first to know! Thanks for stopping by!




  1. Hi Dotti!

    I look forward to your posts!


  2. Very cool! And woo hoo! I am the first to comment:) Winning :D


True Self Studio Welcome To My World!

Sharing Who And What I Love